We provide several adventurous outdoor activities that will enthuse and inspire your placements. We will build confidence and character, giving a fresh perspective upon which we can deliver improved life options for them.
Our qualified and experienced staff will engage with each young person to provide a safe and comforting environment throughout their stay, delivering the common third element of the social pedagogy model.
Our fully trained staff encourage young people to work within a small team to build their self-confidence and develop their communication skills to help them assess and challenge their behaviours and mindset in a safe environment.
We have a number of accommodation options available to give us the flexibility required to deliver a diverse and engaging crisis service for young people
Ex-Military staff form the cornerstone of our activity delivery. Their innate leadership and motivational skills are vital to developing the crisis service for young people in our care.
At ResiAction, we understand the need to respond to your needs as swiftly as possible. Our team of flexible, experienced staff underpins the efficiency of our service delivery.